The best thing for your garden is going to waste

The best thing for your garden is going to waste

Most people don't realise just how much plant superfood goes in the bin each week. About half of what we throw out is organic matter - cooking offcuts and other kitchen scraps which could be used to power your flowers and make your herbs superb.

We eat nutritious food. The nutrients in our foods (calcium, potassium, nitrogen, assorted vitamins and minerals, and bits of protein) which make us healthy have the same benefits for plants. Our offcuts and scraps contain a lot of the good stuff - if it's good for you, it's good for your garden!

And just like our healthy bodies, we need to keep our soil nourished. Think about how much is going to the landfill every time you put the bins out. Wouldn't all that rich goodness help your garden grow instead?

If we go without a meal, we feel a bit uncomfortable. If we miss a week, we're in serious trouble. Your garden is no different. Don't let it go malnourished!

And the answer is right in front of you. So after your lunch and coffee, rather than tossing out the scraps, use them and the grounds to return a whole lot of rich goodness to your garden - and watch your plants flourish!
