Build soil health for plant to thrive

Build soil health for plant to thrive

Soil health is hugely underrated. You have to look after it to reap the rewards of good health such as lush plants, greater yields, and fewer problems with diseases and pests.

Healthy soil is alive with microbes. Keep the helpful ones well fed and they crowd out plant pathogens and soil parasites, like a host of natural antibodies for your garden.

Soil is fed nutrients and organic matter by decaying leaf litter in nature. This occurs to a limited extent in gardens, but you can conveniently mimic and speed up the process for your soil using organic waste and a suitable compost system.

Microbes that break down leaf litter will do the same with garden waste in a system like an open-ended compost bin. The breakdown is optimal when your waste’s two macronutrients, carbon and nitrogen, are in the proper ratio. You’ll attain best results by keeping chopped wastes moist and well-mixed.

Kitchen scraps that go unused by us are more nutritious than garden waste and can be reused as soil nutrition to grow healthy plants. However, you need microbes to break down and transform scraps into compost, so that plants can take up the nutrients.

Kitchen scraps may be added as a minor part of your waste composite in a garden system, provided you limit what you put in and mix to aerate the waste. Since kitchen scraps tend to rot and stink quickly when oxygen runs out, your mixing must be thorough and frequent.

A simpler and better alternative is to use a compost system like Bioverter which is designed to handle kitchen scraps as the main waste input, no mixing required.

You can turn kitchen waste into a soil superfood laden with beneficial microbes. Besides nourishing your soil with the goodness in the waste, you boost soil health with an increased and diverse microbial community by adding compost probiotics.

Healthy soil is the foundation of a flourishing garden. Turn kitchen waste into soil superfood to build your garden foundation.
