A juice boost for your garden

A juice boost for your garden

Our gardens love a balanced, nutritious feed as much as we do. A steady stream of nutrients and minerals, aerated soil, and the right structure allows plants to thrive.

Even with a consistent supply of nutrient-dense compost soil to maintain overall garden health, sometimes your plants could use a little treat.

The organic wastes we discard from our kitchens are often full of nutrients and water. In particular, the highly nutritious fruits and veggies that we eat have a river of nutrients they can deliver back to our plants - if we capture it.

Water is set free from veggies and fruits when broken down by microbes in a compost system. Just like the uneaten bits they were released from, the freed liquid contains valuable nutrients that we can harvest. It ends up as compost juice, a dark liquid enriched with soluble nutrients and beneficial microbes for your soil.

Similar to compost tea, compost juice can be used across your garden as an extra nutritional boost, injecting rich packets of goodness back into the specific places around your garden they might be needed.

Most existing compost systems won’t capture this valuable juice, but with a vertical composting design you can ensure every drop of nutritional value is being returned to your garden.

Watering with diluted compost juice enables you to spread beneficial microbes and soluble nutrients, helping your garden thrive.

So make sure you're getting the full benefit from your discarded kitchen wastes and give your garden a little juice kick in the process!
