Bioverter unit next to a landfill wheelie bin, showing their similar size
Size comparison between Bioverter unit and landfill wheelie bin.

An elegant solution to a significant challenge

Australians create a lot of waste.

This is not unusual for an advanced, prosperous economy such as ours, but it does create complex environmental issues. While it may seem insurmountable to deal with just how much Australian households throw away, at Bioverter we realised exactly where households can have the most impact.

Compostable wastes make up about half the average household's rubbish. Once in landfill, these wastes break down into methane - a greenhouse gas 84x more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide. Over 3% of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions are from landfills.

That's not good enough.

We recycle to reduce rubbish. Why not more of our waste? At Bioverter, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for households to take the extra step and tackle one of the most dangerous threats to our environment.

By recycling compostable wastes, households can prevent methane production, lower their local greenhouse emission and reduce their overall impact on the environment.

Dr Heng Foo Chiam has extensive applied research and development (R&D) experience in CSIRO, University of Melbourne and industry. He developed and applied innovative solutions in many areas, including wastewater cleanup and solar heating. Dr Chiam was intimately familiar with the challenges in front of us.

He knew there was a better way.

A keen gardener himself, Dr Chiam wanted to nurture his garden to it’s full potential. He had tried all other compost systems, but each had their own shortcomings.

Using his scientific background and decades of lab experience, Dr Chiam set out to create a system designed to help every Australian thinking globally about their impact on the environment, to act locally in their own backyard. After several prototypes and constant refining, he found the solution.

Dr Chiam’s vision was brought to life by Australian experts in industrial design and manufacturing. The outcome is a compact, gravity fed unit which removes the hassle and effort required to turn household scraps into superfood for our plants and gardens.

Reducing our impact on the environment, returning goodness to the soil while helping our gardens grow. A winning formula indeed.

As a design-led solution, Bioverter is sleek and compact with unique slide out collectors which separate the dual outputs for periodic harvesting. Simple and easy to use, there’s no heavy lifting - just maximum benefit for your garden and the environment.

For further information, learn how Bioverter works, or dive into our easy-to-follow Waste To Superfood solution.

Bioverter is a family run company and proudly 100% Australian designed, made and owned.