Improve soil health with earthworms and compost
Gardeners love earthworms because of their beneficial effects on soil. An indicator of rich healthy garden soil is an abundance of earthworms.
Earthworms are fabulous for gardens
Garden earthworms burrow deep into the ground, creating channels for water, air, and plant roots to move more easily through the soil. They improve soil structure and extend the reach of plant roots which benefits your garden greatly.
Earthworms eat organic matter and soil. They excrete soil-like wastes packed with nutrients. The nutrients are made more available to plants as they tunnel around your garden.
Not only do earthworms thrive in good soil, but they contribute to the cycle by improving the quality of soil themselves. What’s more, there's an easy method of cultivating worm populations: compost!
Feed your earthworms
Earthworms eat waste matter when broken down by microbes but not the raw waste. That's where compost comes in handy, as it's broken down enough for them to feast on.
An excellent food for earthworms is the compost made using Bioverter, and frequent input of wastes into Bioverter will create a steady supply of feed for them.
Place your regular compost harvest in a suitable garden setting, and free-range earthworms will make their own way to this rich food source.
Worm pop-ups
Set up a pop-up habitat in your garden. Use food that earthworms like, such as freshly made compost. You don’t need to start with it totally filled, and can build it up with more compost over time.
Select a holder with holes on its bottom like a plant pot or repurpose a worm tray. Place it in a sheltered spot, and if possible, partly bury your holder for safer earthworm access. Put in fresh compost. Cover the holder and keep moist in hot weather.
With plenty of food in a good habitat, earthworms will gather to feed and multiply. The increase in earthworms can be awesome in a worm pop-up.
Multiply your compost benefits
Worm pop-ups are handy for maturing fresh compost while boosting earthworm numbers in your garden.
Mature compost looks, feels, and smells like dark rich soil. Take it together with earthworms from the worm pop-up, to enrich selected parts of your garden. The earthworms will spread out to more parts of your garden from their new homes.
Worm pop-ups can multiply the benefits of composting with Bioverter to your garden.