Easy composting with natural microbes
Composting is a natural microbial process that is sped up when favourable conditions are created for the microbes to live and multiply.
Compost microbes have the same basic needs as us humans, namely food, water, air, and warmth. They happily recycle your wastes into compost when all their needs are met.
You feed the microbes a composite of compostable wastes to supply them with both food and water. Add water if your composite is too dry for composting.
Microbes obtain their oxygen from air. Unless your wastes are ventilated properly by your compost system, you have to aerate your wastes by mixing.
Warmth is a basic need, but is often overlooked. A lack of warmth can slow composting, so look out for ways to keep your microbes at the temperatures where they are most active.
Established composting methods
A traditional method is hot heap composting. You need lots of wastes on hand to build a big pile, and turn the pile many times to keep it hot in the first month. This heap is then left alone for two months to yield useable compost. Hot heap composting suits large gardens.
You can use compost bins or tumblers for smaller amounts of wastes. Mix regularly to supply air to the microbes (use a spiral mixer for bins or rotate tumblers). Composting is slow due to the relatively cool temperatures in compost bins and tumblers. It’ll slow further when infrequent mixing reduces the microbes’ air supply.
Compost microbes and worms
Microbes play an uncredited role in worm farms. They pre-digest (compost partially) waste matter for worms to ingest. Your reward is not compost but excreta, or worm castings.
The worms can’t tolerate extremes in temperatures. They want conditions in the mild 16-26C range, but microbes need warmer temperatures to pre-digest more wastes. Don’t overfeed (in excess of what the microbes can pre-digest), or else the wastes can rot and emit odours.
Composting made easy
Bioverter is equipped with a ventilation setup that supplies all the oxygen microbes need. This removes the need to aerate by mixing. It self-aerates, unlike compost bins and tumblers.
It is insulated to lock in the heat produced by microbes during composting. This helps them keep themselves warm so you don’t have to worry about suitable temperatures. These workhorse microbes like consistent moderate temperatures, neither too hot nor too cold.
With an integrated, insulated and properly ventilated design, Bioverter has the perfect environment for natural microbes to thrive on your wastes.
Bioverter’s controlled environment allows you to establish and maintain a diverse community of compost microbes with minimal upkeep, leaving you free to do other things. They break down wastes steadily as a collective, the result being fast composting with little physical work.