Do I recycle or compost paper and cardboard?
Composting and recycling are both great ways to keep reusable wastes out of landfill.
Recycling is an excellent option for paper wastes but only clean paper and cardboard are able to be recycled. Contaminants such as oil, grease, plastic liners, labels and tape can disrupt the paper recycling process, and ruined batches are sent to landfill.
Wastes such as waterproofed wrapping paper and paper towels soiled with cleaning or other chemicals should be discarded. However, some waste paper types can be put to good use when composting garden wastes in traditional systems like open-ended bins and tumblers.
Paper can be helpful in composting
Garden waste can get too dry to compost properly because of its low water absorbency. Paper mixed in your wastes can help retain the water you add to moisten your compost. (Paper in this instance refers to shredded or torn paper and cardboard. Don’t scrunch paper into balls.)
Cardboard can help if the opposite occurs - a stinky, slimy mess resulting from too much water in a compost bin or tumbler. To remove the bad smell, mix in torn up cardboard to help separate the waste matter and absorb water.
Tip: In compost jargon, paper and cardboard are carbon-rich. They can increase the amount of carbon in your system and slow composting if added in excess.
Waste paper reuse at home
Paper wastes that are unfit for recycling but helpful in composting include paper towels/napkins stained with food and greasy pizza box base. With careful reuse of these paper wastes in compost bins and tumblers, you send less to landfill while helping turn garden waste into useful compost.